Gen Z and seniors have spending power. Here’s how investors can align with these generations
Gen Z and seniors are among the most influential generations today, as their spending power reshapes markets. Hereʼs what investors need to know to capitalize on generational trends.
Two generations with money to spend
Who they are:
Gen Z
Born between 1995 and 2010, has different priorities from previous generations.
- Avoids student loans by taking direct-to-career paths.1
- Prioritizes reducing debt.
- Prefers spending money on experiences over possessions.
Aged 65 and above, encompass Boomers and the Silent Generation.
- Have readily adapted to smartphones and e-commerce
- Are increasingly using health tech
- Grew as a demographic by 38.6% from 2010 to 20202
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Gen Z and senior purchasing habits are redefining the consumer landscape
How they spend disposable income
Pandemic-hit entertainment spending in 2020 rebounded in 2021 with a 22.7% increase,3 driven by purchases from Gen Z and seniors.
Travel businesses
like Hostelworld, Ryanair, and Intrepid Travelers actively appeal to the 52% of Gen Zers who are already frequent travelers.4
Adaptive clothing brands
like Ovidis, MagnaReady, Silverts, and Buck & Buck create adaptive clothing for seniors, including velcro pants and magnetic-button shirts.
How they rely on e-commerce
E-commerce is booming due to consumer demand across generations. Itʼs convenient for busy Gen Zers and invaluable for seniors who may struggle to visit physical stores.
Delivery companies
are finding ways to help seniors, such as Instacartʼs Senior Support Service for account setup, or Walmartʼs partnership with Avanlee Care to integrate online grocery ordering and delivery for seniors. 5
Buy now/pay later services
through PayPal, Affirm, and Afterpay help Gen Z, a generation saddled with student debt and a rising cost of living, afford their online purchases.
- e2V4dGVuc2lvbjovL2VmYWlkbmJtbm5uaWJwY2FqcGNnbGNsZWZpbmRta2FqL2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmJscy5nb3YvbmV3cy5yZWxlYXNlL3BkZi9jZXNhbi5wZGY7IEJ1cmVhdSBvZiBMYWJvciBTdGF0aXN0aWNzfQ==
- PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly9wcm8ubW9ybmluZ2NvbnN1bHQuY29tL2FuYWx5c2lzL2dlbi16LXRyYXZlbC10cmVuZHMiPk1vcm5pbmcgQ29uc3VsdCBQcm8gKDQvMTAvMjAyMyk8L2E+
- PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucHJuZXdzd2lyZS5jb20vbmV3cy1yZWxlYXNlcy9hdmFubGVlLWNhcmUtdGVhbXMtdXAtd2l0aC13YWxtYXJ0LXRvLWhlbHAtZmFtaWxpZXMtY29vcmRpbmF0ZS1ncm9jZXJ5LW5lZWRzLWZvci1hZ2luZy1sb3ZlZC1vbmVzLTMwMTU2MjcyNi5odG1sIj5QUiBOZXdzd2lyZSAoNi83LzIwMjIpPC9hPg==
Gen Z and seniors drive growth in tech and social media markets
How they use social media
Every generation is on social media, though they tend to use the platforms differently.
Social communities
on Facebook and Stitch (designed for over-50s) target seniors looking for connection.
Short-form videos
like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels are a top way to cater to Gen Zers looking for entertainment.
How they use tech
Gen Z is more tech-savvy, but seniors are also using devices like smartphones and tablets to stay connected and entertained.
Video streaming
takes up 3.4 hours a day on average for Gen Z. Few have cable subscriptions, preferring YouTube and streaming services on their smartphones, tablets, laptops, and smart TVs.
Smartphone accessibility
is critical for the 81% of those 60-69 and 62% of those 70+ who use smartphones. 6 Apple provides features like font size adjustment and Display Zoom, while RAZ Mobility designed the RAZ Memory Cell Phone for seniors with cognitive decline, and Lively offers user-friendly smartphones with enhanced features.
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Standout consumer trends for Gen Z and seniors
Gen Z trend: The sharing economy
Unlike previous generations, Gen Z embraces the sharing economy where consumption means having access to products and services rather than owning them
Sharing services
like Uber and Lyft rideshares have taken off, as have bike and scooter share options like Citi Bike and Lime. Self-driving rideshare services like Cruise continue to show long-term potential. Likewise, popular streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify, pose potential investment opportunities.
Senior trend: Healthcare tech
The number of 65+ Americans is expected to nearly double between 2018 and 2060, 7 and seniorsʼ per-person personal healthcare spending reached $22,356 on average in 2020.8 Companies are taking note of these demographic changes, and investors have the opportunity to follow suit and tap into this expanding market.
Healthcare tech companies
are addressing seniorsʼ healthcare needs and presenting investor avenues. Audien offers over-the-counter hearing devices, while EllieGrid, Tinylogics, and Loba offer smart pill boxes and apps. Moreover, thereʼs a growing demand among seniors for robotic surgery, AI diagnostics, and eye care solutions.
Looking at workforce trends, spending preferences, and interest in digital and tech, Gen Z and seniors are actively reshaping markets. For today’s investors, following today’s generational trends could offer intriguing potential for returns.
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