What is the Ageing and Lifestyle theme?
Ageing and lifestyle describes the changing ways that people are living across the globe as life expectancies rise. Ageing populations are one of the greatest social, economic and political transformations of our time.
For example, “by 2050, the world’s population of people aged 60 years and older will double (2.1 billion).”1 “The number of persons aged 80 years or older is expected to triple between 2020 and 2050 to reach 426 million.”1
- IGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lndoby5pbnQvbmV3cy1yb29tL2ZhY3Qtc2hlZXRzL2RldGFpbC9hZ2VpbmctYW5kLWhlYWx0aCM6fjp0ZXh0PUJ5JTIwMjA1MCUyQyUyMHRoZSUyMHdvcmxkJ3MlMjBwb3B1bGF0aW9uLDIwNTAlMjB0byUyMHJlYWNoJTIwNDI2JTIwbWlsbGlvbi4g
- IGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lndoby5pbnQvbmV3cy1yb29tL2ZhY3Qtc2hlZXRzL2RldGFpbC9hZ2VpbmctYW5kLWhlYWx0aCM6fjp0ZXh0PUJ5JTIwMjA1MCUyQyUyMHRoZSUyMHdvcmxkJ3MlMjBwb3B1bGF0aW9uLDIwNTAlMjB0byUyMHJlYWNoJTIwNDI2JTIwbWlsbGlvbi4g
What are the potential benefits of the ageing and lifestyle theme?
The investible opportunities of ageing populations extend far beyond the obvious areas of healthcare. The changing lifestyles and needs of older generations could represent a multi-decade growth opportunity for investors. By 2030, two-thirds of over-60s’ consumption growth in developed markets will be spent across multiple industries dedicated to living well, from beauty and fitness, to travel and entertainment.2
Meanwhile other industries like real estate, financials and healthcare will have to rapidly adapt to retiring and elderly generations’ needs.
We invest in companies operating across four areas associated with the economic implications of longevity:
- Silver spending: Industries dedicated to living well; beauty/aesthetics, personal care, fitness, housing, travel, leisure and entertainment.
- Treatment: Companies seeking sustainable treatment solutions for the coming generations.
- Wellness: The wellness industry includes preventative medicine, personalised treatments, nutrition, beauty and anti-ageing treatments.
- Senior care: Markets for senior housing and specialist assisted living facilities, such as Memory Care that focuses on dementia patients.
The global number of adults aged 65+ now outnumber children under 5.

Source: United Nations, data correct as at January 2022
Living longer naturally incurs higher healthcare costs; preventing and treating age-related chronic diseases will be key driver of healthcare spending over next five years. 10,000 Americans hit the age of 65 every day, at which point personal healthcare spending doubles.3

Source: US Centres for Medicare & Medicaid Services
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That means an additional $28bn of deficit each day, according to the World Economic Forum.4 The increasing onus for individuals to save for, and enjoy, longer retirements gives wealth managers opportunity in an underpenetrated market.
- V29ybGQgRWNvbm9taWMgRm9ydW0gYXMgb2YgRmVicnVhcnkgMjAxNw==
To help people invest in the companies that are embracing these changes, we have adapted our internal research capabilities to incorporate the five main trends that we believe represent the future for long-term fundamental growth investing.

Forecast to grow 10-15% annually until 2025 5, the robotics industry is rapidly changing how we live and work.

Connected consumer
Only 18%6 of global retail sales are transacted online, which will likely increase as smartphone adoption rises globally.

Clean Tech
Innovative companies are creating solutions to address pressures on scarce natural resources and the need for greenhouse gas emission reduction.

Transitioning societies
The growth of the global middle class is at a 150-year high7, boosting consumption in Asia and in the developing world.

Evolving trends
Discover a single point of access to the five major long-term growth themes we have identified in the evolving economy.
No assurance can be given that the longevity strategy will be successful. Investors can lose some or all of their capital invested. The Robotech strategy is subject to risks including counterparty risk, geopolitical risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, and the impact of any techniques such as derivatives.
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